English idiom: “Cool as a cucumber”
This idiom has been around as far back as the 1600’s!
English idiom: “Pardon my french”
What makes the idiom funny, is that no one is actually speaking French at all.
English idiom: “When pigs fly”
This idiom even appears in the famous Lewis Carol’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
English Idiom: “Let the cat out of the bag”
People have been revealing others’ secrets for years…
English idiom: “diggin’ his/her chili”
This phrase taken literally makes absolutely no sense.
English idiom: “Too big for their britches”
You might find that some of your friends say that you remind them of their grandparents.
English idiom: “no big deal”
Next time you need to help someone relax, remind them that it is no big deal.